One app product strategy for transport
Client: Transport for Wales
Responsibilities: Product Strategy and Research Lead
Transport for Wales (TfW) is responsible for trains, buses and supplier partnerships to manage public transport in Wales. Exploring how digital means could boost targets to double public transport usage by 2030 alongside the active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 to encourage more cycling and walking, with the concept of a one app strategy offering around mobility as a service (MaaS).
Leading the product strategy by looking through desirability, viability, and feasibility lenses. Initial stakeholder interviews to assess TfW digital product maturity. Created, organised and implemented a research plan with a range of methods to gain evidence on hypotheses and strategy requirements. Included research interviews, an ethnographic study to Cardiff and Newport, email survey to understand perceptions on TfW digital portfolio and prototype testing. Consulted client stakeholder and project sponsor on the value of running key research activity smoke (desirability) tests to determine if there was a market need.

A 4-week engagement with research showing clear desirability for such a digital product evidenced by high uptake results in the smoke test. Feasibility conversations led to a set of recommendations around integrations with existing third-party apps and services. The next steps and delivery planning for an MVP to be built would be dependent on the viability of TfW ability to mobilise a team with the right skills for the build.
*More visuals available on request and in portfolio

Contact me
(+44) 75 08 523 234