Banking PSD2 Regulation
Client: PA Consulting (engaging client conversations)
Responsibilities: User Experience Designer
The Financial Services sector is going to experience change when the new PSD2 regulation is introduced. Taking advantage of this new regulation will create better clarity for users controlling their finances in line with their lifestyle creating a more visible platform, looking at all types of bank accounts and a true digital management of finances.
Working with the innovation Lab helped the Financial Services sector imagine how utilising customer’s financial data could create new services for customers. To help communicate these ideas effectively an interactive wireframe has been developed, this included several workshops to sketch out initial ideas, create paper prototypes and was iterated in under 2 weeks towards a final design to be shown to clients in meetings. Alongside this information around the complex situation was gathered to produce a rich picture, with the idea of using drawings and illustrations to think about the common issues would allow for greater problem solving.

The wireframe has been demonstrated to lots of companies and Financial institutions (including RBS, Coutts and Aviva) alongside the rich picture. They have helped stimulate conversations with clients about what the future could look like for them.
*More visuals available on request and in portfolio

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(+44) 75 08 523 234