
Value of the internet of things

Client: PA Consulting (engaging client conversations)

Responsibilities: User Experience Designer


Internet of things (IoT) is disrupting thinking towards many traditional business models across public and private sector. Organisations are unaware how this emerging technology could be implemented and the benefits it has to offer if applied correctly.


Key achievements

As part of the innovation lab team, we drafted and iterated a script which explained potential key benefits IoT can offer and case studies where PA have delivered solutions for clients. This was then developed into an visual animation to best present the message, with a graphical placeholder map also created to help clients imagine how IoT could plug into their business.


Animation and placeholder have been used as part of the PA consulting IoT proposition, being used to engage initial client conversations, facilitate workshops and introduce them the topic of IoT.

*More visuals available on request and in portfolio

Footer shapes

Contact me

(+44) 75 08 523 234


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